Actual domains:
Are you buying blindly random or you with bins? decided to deposit 10€ to see this website and because the bad reviews i see.
I mean it is not entirely fake when people say that this shop is a scam.
Does not matter if a card is 50 cents 1€ , i bought 10 cards 1€ and not a single one charged an euro in a simple stripe gateway.
0 - out 10 cards none work.
Ratio = 0
You have to start think. Nowadays you don´t scam , you are the one that will get scammed
Randomly. I just picked portugal as country and bought the 10 cards that was available to purchase.Are you buying blindly random or you with bins?
DM me I need to know about stripe gateway if you can hit. I have a work for you. random ccs are not working in stripe. stripe is hard as hell these days.Randomly. I just picked portugal as country and bought the 10 cards that was available to purchase.