Hi, I see so many good reviews, can I get a trial voucher to leave a review?
My username: roselynada
I have replied your ticket.the shop looks superior! may i have a test?
username: SmokinGun
I have replied your ticket.Can i please have test? Username: frogslegs
I have replied your ticket.can I get a trial voucher, i will write an honest review username: sinbad
I buy 3 ccs 2 bads 1 good (so so) good shop but 1 cc was rly declined and i don't recieve refound my user XANAXPERUI have replied your ticket.
Can i get a trial for other ccs I will write a more extensive and honest review.I have replied your ticket.
I sent you invite code check pmi have about 5-6 friends who need good cc sites to buy cc. would be happy if you could give me test balance to try and give feedback and recommend to my friends too. thanks
username: iware2006
We don't provide test deposit to forum newbies.i have about 5-6 friends who need good cc sites to buy cc. would be happy if you could give me test balance to try and give feedback and recommend to my friends too. thanks
username: iware2006
Can i have a test? I'm not newWe don't provide test deposit to forum newbies.
I already SEE my account thx, i gonna use itWe don't provide test deposit to forum newbies.