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Track 2 to NFC


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One of these guys below can easily be @JIKLOGAA13 clone because no real fraudster registered on a forum as
as new member and just start talking about cashout methods on public posts instantaneous. Members you got
to take a look in to what I am saying do not buy any tap software or any cashout methods from any members
here who is not a verified vendor without contacting @Admin for escrow.

Now take a good look

View attachment 49932@JIKLOGAA13 is a ripper, he makes it seem like he wants to help but just wants your money, he got me not too long ago


Reaction score
what apps support track 2 to nfc? I know of mypay but I heard it has a really low validity rate.
They are other nfc reading apps and hardwares TG @mrblackfridays

below is an NFC hardware reader


  • IMG_2285.png
    1.4 MB · Views: 8


Active Carder
Reaction score
You work off cartiera?
Yes but carteira trick the pos to approve the transaction offline.
So if merchant does not support offline transaction carteira won't work.
After using carteira on a specific merchant or area for a while they will
patch the system and carteira will not work there anymore.


Reaction score
Yes but carteira trick the pos to approve the transaction offline.
So if merchant does not support offline transaction carteira won't work.
After using carteira on a specific merchant or area for a while they will
patch the system and carteira will not work there anymore.
Yea you right, but what about code 702 because those be hitting here and there


Active Carder
Reaction score
Yea you right, but what about code 702 because those be hitting here and there
Below are the only Response Codes I know and as I said the app forces the POS to approve the transaction offline.
So if the POS is not compatible with app transaction will decline 05 no other code.

Auth codes for approved transaction
00 Approved=mean that the requested transaction was successful and completed.
85 Card OK =mean that there is not any reason for deny the transaction

Auth codes for uncompleted transaction.This also are known as Pre Auth Codes
01 Call for Auth=mean that for complete the transaction the issuer must be contacted
02 Call =mean that bank must be contacted for complete the transaction
28 No replay =mean that transaction was not approved but also not rejected.Card should be swipe again
91 No replay =mean that card issuer was not available.Card should be swiped again

Auth Codes for rejected transaction
EA Acct Lenght Err =Verification Error
79 Already reserved =mean the balance of account is reserved by issuer
13 Amount Error = mean that the amount must be input again
14 Card number error =mean that the card number is not correct
82 Cash back Not App =mean cash back limit is exceeded.In this case you can try a smaller amount
N3 Cashback Not Avl =mean that cash back not available
EB Check Digit Err =or Verification Error mean that card didn't past the verification
EC CID Format Err =CID Verification Error
80 Date Error =mean Invalid Date
05 Declined =mean that the transaction was rejected .I made a special thread about this Auth Code which you can read here : MORE ABOUT 05 DECLINED
51 Declined =or Insufficient funds ,mean that the amount is to big.You can try a smaller amount
N4 Declined =mean exceeds the issuer withdraw limit.A smaller amount may work
61 Declined =mean that exceeds the issuer withdraw limit.Try smaller amount
62 Declined =mean invalid service code
65 Declined =mean activity limit exceeded
93 Declined =mean that transaction can not be completed
54Expired card =mean that card expired
12Invalid Trans =mean the requested transaction is not valid
78No Account =mean that the account was not access
15No Such Issuer =mean that the card issuer is not recognised
19 Re Enter =mean that the transaction must be cancel and repeated
57Serv Not Allowed=mean that the transaction is not permitted from card issuer
58Serv Not Allowed=mean that the transaction is not permitted on the terminal
96System Error =mean system malfunction

Auth Codes for Fraud Transaction
04 Hold-Call/Pick up Card =pick up card
07 Hold-Call/Pick up Card =pick up card /special conditions
41 Hold-Call/Pick up Card =pick up card/lost card
43 hold-Call/Pick up Card =pick up card/stolen card

So guys this are the codes which you can get when you swipe a card in POS.According with this codes you will know what to do with your card.

Read more:


Response Code
Authorization Message

Reponse Definition

00 or 85
    Exact Match     Approved transaction. There was an exact match on the zipcode and address that was provided.
00 or 85
    Address Match     Approved transaction. There was a match on the address that was provided.
00 or 85
    Zip Match     Approved transaction. There was a match on the zipcode that was provided.
00 or 85
    No Match     No address or ZIP match, but the transaction was still approved due to your settings.
00 or 85
    Ver Unavailable     The address checking system is not available for this cardholder, but the transaction was still approved due to your settings.
00 or 85
    Retry     The address check system in down at this time, but the transaction was approved due to your settings.
00 or 85
    Error Ingeligable     Not a mail/phone order, but your transaction was approved due to your settings.
00 or 85
    Serv Unavailable     Serive not support for this card, but the transaction was approved due to your settings.
    Approval     Approved and completed.
    Card Ok     Approved and completed.
    Call     This means that the card holders credit card company has blocked the transaction. Have the client call the 800 number on the back of the card and find out why.
    Call     This means that the card holders credit card company has blocked the transaction. Have the client call the 800 number on the back of the card and find out why.
    No Reply     The card holders bank is not replying to the credit card transaction. Try waiting and then rerunning the transaction.
    No Reply     The card holders bank is not replying to the credit card transaction. Try waiting and then rerunning the transaction.
    Hold-call or Pick Up Card     Pick up the card. There is a problem with the card. Call the 800 number on the back of the card to determine the issue.
    Hold-call or Pick Up Card     Pick up the card. There is a problem with the card. It has been marked for fraud. Call the 800 number on the back of the card to determine the issue.
    Hold-call or Pick Up Card     Lost card, pick up. There has been fraud reported on the account. Call the 800 number on the back of the card.
    Hold-call or Pick Up Card     Stolen card, pick up. There has been fraud reported on the account. Call the 800 number on the back of the card.
    Acct Length Err     Verification Error
    Already Reversed     Already reversed at switch
    Amount Error     Invalid amount. Please check the transaction and try again with a proper amount.
    Cant Verify PIN     Cannot verify the PIN
    Cant Verify PIN     Cannot verify the PIN
    Card Number Error     Invalid card number.
    Cashback Not App     Cash back limit exceeded
    Cashback Not Avl     Cash back service not available
    Check Digit Err     Verification error
    CID Format Error     Verification error
    Date Error     Invalid Date
    Decline     Do not honor. The customers credit card company is telling you not to honor the card. There is a problem with their account. Have them call the 800 number on the back of the card to find out why.
    Decline     Insufficient funds. They do not have enough money in their account.
    Decline     Exceeds issuer withdrawal limit. Have the customers call the 800 number on the back of the card and get a force code. This will allow you to bypass the limit on the card.
    Decline     Exceeds issuer withdrawal limit. Have the customers call the 800 number on the back of the card and get a force code. This will allow you to bypass the limit on the card.
    Decline     Invalid service code, restricted. The customers credit card company does not allow them to purchase products from your business type. Have them call the 800 number on the back of the card and get a force code for the transaction.
    Decline     Activity limit exceeded. Have the customers call the 800 number on the back of the card and get a force code. This will allow you to bypass the limit on the card.
    Decline     Violation, cannot complete. Have the customer call the 800 number on the back of the card to determine the issue.
    Encryption Error     Cryptograhic error
    Error XXXX     General error
    Check Service Error     Error response text from check service
    Expired Card     Expired card.
    Failure HV     This means that there was a configuration error when your account was added. Please contact technical support to resolve the issue.
    Failure CV     Card Type Verifaction Error. This means that the type of card has not been added to your account (Or there is an account number error). Please contact technical support to resolve the issue.
    Invalid Routing     Destination not found
    Invaild Trans     Invalid transaction
    No Account     Account not recognized.
    No Action Taken     Unable to back out transaction.
    Unsolic Reversal     Unable to locate, no match
    No Action Taken     Inconsistent data, rev., or repeat.
    No Check Account     No checking account.
    No Credit Acct     No credit account
    No Save Account     No savings account
    No Such Issuer     No such issuer
    PIN Exceeded     PIN tries exceeded
    Re-Enter     Re-Enter transaction
    Security Violation     Security Violation
    Transaction not permitted-Card     The bank that has issued this card does not allow this type of purchase. Have the client call the 800 number on the back of their card for further explaination.
    Serv Not Allowed     This transaction is not allowed by the merchant provider.
    Stop Recurring     Customer requested stop of specific recurring payments.
    Stop Recurring     Customer requested stop of all recurring payments.
    System Error     System malfunction
    Term ID Error     Invalid Merchant ID
    Wrong Pin     Incorrect PIN
    CVV2 Mismatch     The CVV2 Value supplied is invalid.
    Duplicate Trans     Unable to locate, no match
    Invalid Transaction     Invalid Transaction.
    Approval     First check is OK and has been converted
    Cannot Convert     Check is OK but cannot be converted. This is a declined transaction.
    Invalid ABA     Invalid ABA number, not an ACH participant.
    Amount Error     Amount greater than the limit
    Unpaid Items     Unpaid items, failed negative file check
    Duplicate Number     Deuplicate check number
    MICR Error     MICR error
    Too Many Checks     Too many checks (over merchant or bank limit)
    Uncharged Card     You are trying to refund a card that has not been previously charged in this system. If you still want to refund the card re-run it and it will go through.

Decline Code
Short Description


01     Refer to card issuer     The merchant must call the issuer before the transaction can be approved.
02     Refer to card issuer, special condition     The merchant must call the issuer before the transaction can be approved.
03     Invalid merchant number     The merchant ID is not valid.
04     Pick-up card. Capture for reward     The card is listed on the Warning Bulletin.  Merchant may receive reward money by capturing the card.
05     Do not honor. The transaction was declined by the issuer without definition or reason     The transaction was declined without explanation by the card issuer.
06     Error     The card issuer returned an error without further explanation.
07     Pick-up card, special condition     The card is listed on the Warning Bulletin.  Merchant may receive reward money by capturing the card.
08     Honor with identification     Honor with identification.
09     Request in progress     Request in progress.
10     Approved for partial amount     Approved for partial amount.
11     Approved, VIP     Approved, VIP program.
12     Invalid transaction     The requested transaction is not supported or is not valid for the card number presented.
13     Invalid amount     The amount exceeds the limits established by the issuer for this type of transaction.
14     Invalid card #     The issuer indicates that this card is not valid.
15     No such issuer     The card issuer number is not valid.
16     Approved, update track 3     Approved, update track 3.
17     Customer cancellation     Customer cancellation.
18     Customer dispute     Customer dispute.
19     Re enter transaction     Customer should resubmit transaction.
20     Invalid response     Invalid response.
21     No action taken     No action taken. The issuer declined with no other explanation.
22     Suspected malfunction     Suspected malfunction.
23     Unacceptable transaction fee     Unacceptable transaction fee.
24     File update not supported     File update not supported.
25     Unable to locate record     Unable to locate record.
26     Duplicate record     Duplicate record.
27     File update edit error     File update edit error.
28     File update file locked     File update file locked.
29     not used      
30     Format error, call     The host reported that the transaction was not formatted properly.
31     Bank not supported     Bank not supported by switch.
32     Completed partially     Completed partially.
33     Expired card, pick-up     The card is expired.  Merchant may receive reward money by capturing the card.
34     Issuer suspects fraud, pick-up card     The card issuer suspects fraud.  Merchant may receive reward money by capturing the card.
35     Contact acquirer, pick-up     Contact card issuer.  Merchant may receive reward money by capturing the card.
36     Restricted card, pick-up     The card is restricted by the issuer.  Merchant may receive reward money by capturing the card.
37     Call security, pick-up     Contact security.  Merchant may receive reward money by capturing the card.
38     PIN tries exceeded, pick-up     PIN attempts exceed issuer limits.  Merchant may receive reward money by capturing the card.
39     No credit account     No credit account.
40     Function not supported     Requested function not supported.
41     Lost Card, capture for reward     The card has been reported lost.
42     No universal account     No universal account.
43     Stolen Card, capture for reward     The card has been reported stolen.
44     No investment account     No investment account.
45 - 50     not used      
51     Not sufficient funds     The credit limit for this account has been exceeded.
52 - 53     not used      
54     Expired card     The card is expired.
55     Incorrect PIN     The cardholder PIN is incorrect.
56     No card record     No card record.
57     Transaction not permitted to cardholder     The card is not allowed the type of transaction requested.
58     Transaction not permitted on terminal     The Merchant is not allowed this type of transaction.
59     Suspected fraud     Suspected fraud.
60     Contact ECHO     Contact ECHO.
61     Exceeds withdrawal limit     The amount exceeds the allowed daily maximum.
62     Restricted card     The card has been restricted.
63     Security violation.     The card has been restricted.
64     Original amount incorrect     Original amount incorrect.
65     Exceeds withdrawal frequency     The allowable number of daily transactions has been exceeded.
66     Call acquirer security     Call acquirer security
67     not used      
68     Response received too late     Response received too late.
69 - 74     not used      
75     PIN tries exceeded     The allowed number of PIN retries has been exceeded.
76     Invalid "to" account     The debit account does not exist.
77     Invalid "from" account     The credit account does not exist.
78     Invalid account specified (general)     The associated card number account is invalid or does not exist.
79     Already reversed     Already reversed.
80 - 83     not used      
84     Invalid authorization life cycle     The authorization life cycle is invalid.
85      not used      
86     Cannot verify PIN     Cannot verify PIN.
87     Network Unavailable     Network Unavailable.
88     not used      

Error codes are defined in the following table.
Error Code     Short Description     Explanation
1000     Unrecoverable error.     An unrecoverable error has occurred in the processing.
1001     Account closed     The merchant account has been closed.
1002     System closed     Services for this system are not available.
1003     E-Mail Down     The e-mail function is not available.
1004-1011     not used      
1012     Invalid trans code     The host computer received an invalid transaction code.
1013     Invalid term id     The Term-ID is invalid.
1014     not used      
1015     Invalid card number     The credit card number that was sent to the host computer was invalid
1016     Invalid expiry date     The card has expired or the expiration date was invalid.
1017     Invalid amount     The dollar amount was less than 1.00 or greater than the maximum allowed for this card.
1018     not used      
1019     Invalid state     The state code was invalid.
1020     not used      
1021     Invalid service     The merchant or card holder is not allowed to perform that kind of transaction
1022-1023     not used      
1024     Invalid auth code     The authorization number presented with this transaction is incorrect. (deposit transactions only)
1025     Invalid reference number     The reference number presented with this transaction is incorrect or is not numeric.
1026-1028     not used      
1029     Invalid contract number     The contract number presented with this transaction is incorrect or is not numeric.
1030     Invalid inventory data     The inventory data presented with this transaction is not ASCII "printable".
1031-1500     not used      
Error Codes 1501 through 1599 are generated after validating the merchant but before presenting the transaction to the host computers for processing.
1501-1507     not used      
1508           Invalid or missing order_type.
1509           The merchant is not approved to submit this order_type.
1510           The merchant is not approved to submit this transaction_type.
1511           Duplicate transaction attempt.
1512-1598     not used      
1599           An system error occurred while validating the transaction input.
1600-1800     not used      
Error Codes 1801 through 1814 are generated to indicate responses to AVS-Only transactions when the response is anything but "X" or "Y" (all digits match).
1801     Return Code "A"     Address matches; ZIP does not match.
1802     Return Code "W"     9-digit ZIP matches; Address does not match.
1803     Return Code "Z"     5-digit ZIP matches; Address does not match.
1804     Return Codes "U"     Issuer unavailable; cannot verify.
1805     Return Code "R"     Retry; system is currently unable to process.
1806     Return Code "S" or "G"     Issuer does not support AVS.
1807     Return Code "N"     Nothing matches.
1808     Return Code "E"     Invalid AVS only response.
1809     Return Code "B"     Street address match. Postal code not verified because of incompatible formats.
1810     Return Code "C"     Street address and Postal code not verified because of incompatible formats.
1811     Return Code "D"     Street address match and Postal code match.
1812     Return Code "I"     Address information not verified for international transaction.
1813     Return Code "M"     Street address match and Postal code match.
1814     Return Code "P"     Postal code match. Street address not verified because of incompatible formats.
1815-1896     not used      
1897     invalid response     The host returned an invalid response.
1898     disconnect     The host unexpectedly disconnected.
1899     timeout     Timeout waiting for host response.
1900-2070     not used      
2071     Call VISA     An authorization number from the VISA Voice Center is required to approve this transaction.
2072     Call Master Card     An authorization number from the Master Card Voice Center is required to approve this transaction.
2073     Call Carte Blanche     An authorization number from the Carte Blanche Voice Center is required to approve this transaction.
2074     Call Diners Club     An authorization number from the Diners' Club Voice Center is required to approve this transaction.
2075     Call AMEX     An authorization number from the American Express Voice Center is required to approve this transaction.
2076     Call Discover     An authorization number from the Discover Voice Center is required to approve this transaction.
2077     not used      
2078     Call ECHO     The merchant must call Customer Support for approval.or because there is a problem with the merchant's account.
2079     Call XpresscheX     The merchant must call Customer Support for approval.or because there is a problem with the merchant's account.
The remaining error codes are generated by the host computers in response to errors in the dial-up protocol. These messages should never appear and they are listed below for completeness.
3001     No ACK on Resp     The host did not receive an ACK from the terminal after sending the transaction response.
3002     POS NAK'd 3 Times     The host disconnected after the terminal replied 3 times to the host response with a NAK.
3003     Drop on Wait     The line dropped before the host could send a response to the terminal.
3005     Drop on Resp     The line dropped while the host was sending the response to the terminal.
3007     Drop Before EOT     The host received an ACK from the terminal but the line dropped before the host could send the EOT.
3011     No Resp to ENQ     The line was up and carrier detected, but the terminal did not respond to the ENQ.
3012     Drop on Input     The line disconnected while the host was receiving data from the terminal.
3013     FEP NAK'd 3 Times     The host disconnected after receiving 3 transmissions with incorrect LRC from the terminal.
3014     No Resp to ENQ     The line disconnected during input data wait in Multi-Trans Mode.
3015     Drop on Input     The host encountered a full queue and discarded the input data.
9000-9999     Host Error     The host encountered an internal error and was not able to process the transaction.


Carding Novice
Reaction score
my dumps kept coming up code 63 i checked my tracks they were made right and i bought the dumps off brians any clue whats the issue?


Active Carder
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why cant i get a good drop? They will only waste your time? Please contact me if you have all and a carder. I am only drop and have western union Branch in Philippines and bank accounts. I can take down western union any name or remitly. My telegram is: @whatisgoodplease
This dude just join forum and expect us send money to his drop also you post this in the wrong section.


Carding Novice
Reaction score
Only a fool will see this photo and believe this is cashout from the Carteira App. That is the exact reason why I didn't post mine anybody can post a receipt then claim it was used by the app. I am simply telling the truth to everyone Carteira app forces POS to approve the dump offline. It only work on specific POS. Please try POS in store that does offline sales it is likely to work there. I have receipts from USA and other countries all receipts shows offline. Do not follow this guy he might not even have the app just want to sell lies on telegram. Kids game silly rabbit tricks are for kids.
This is very true.. I done made killing off of lottos marathons was the hit.. then it was chevron .. Carter is legit
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