But why do you want to kill yourself because i don’t give you the working bin. Or tell me did i ever rip you or any of your family before? So tell me, what’s the problem because i don’t know why you stick to my neck for not show you the bin. I just decided to keep it secret so that it won’t patch quickly that’s why i stopped selling it. So, let me tell you the solution if you’re broke and finding way out. Find good cc shop then you should buying different cc. Then, add it to Apple Pay one after other. By then you will discover working bin. So don’t take my issue personal because of brokenness.
You are a Verified Certified deceptive deceitful Nigerian ripping pig!!
You made your ripping advertising and after figuring I am exposing your ripping cos we both know you never had anything to sell, you are now changing stories??
You wanted to rip.$50 to feed you hungry starved broke ripping imbecile Nigerian pig!!
You didn't even know apple pay worked only on phones and your dumb brainless illiterate ripping head said you need to log in to pc lol
You are just do depressed frustrated and humiliated that exposed your hungry starved broke ripping imbecile Nigerian pig head
Any further ripping attempt here will meet more exposure of you by me