Forget EMV software if you decide to cashout skimmed/hacked dumps + pin
You can't clone the emv chip, that's imposible but you can cashout out at old atms by breaking the chip , writing the magstripe and 3 dipping the atm
Your best method to cashout dumps + pin are listed below.
First get 101 code....101 code isnt chip
Now the problem is that most dump shops or vendors that claim the dumps they sell is 101, actually is 201
So you see something like this
But in reality it is this below
So the main sauce is to really get bins that are 101 and not 201 bins erroneously masked as 101
But even getting a real 101 code isn't enough. Cos the dump + pin may be region blocked, which means won't work in a different city or won't work in a different country or won't work in a different state etc
So the sauce is to get real 101 bins that are not region blocked
Now for 201 dumps ( chip + pin), I told you you can't clone other stolen details, the videos you see faking using emv software are either the person cloning his own real card ( not using stolen hacked skimmed data) or the person 3 dipping
break the chip so the atm has to read the mag stripe
Try 3 times with chip is gonna fail so then it takes the mag stripe
Just break the chip for 201
101s don't use chip
Yeah a few scratches with a knife will do
See image and video to get a full perspective
Now 3 dipping only works in some certain old ATMs , so the sauce is knowing those ATMs and their locations
But knowing those ATMs and their locations isn't enough, since like 101, 201 also has region block
So the sauce is knowing 201 bins that are non region blocked by default ( a customer can still inform his financial institution to region block his card or unblock it if he's going on vacation) and knowing the ATMs and the locations that 3 dip works on
Other factors are
. DEPEND OF COUNTRY WHERE ARE U BASED ... if in high risk fraudulent country
non emv atm available or not ?
AMOUNT what did you punch ?
Track 1 and Track 2 +PIN or only Track 2 u used ?..
Working BINS list changes everyday
Quality of DUMPS + pin?