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Forget EMV scam, This is how to cashout dumps + pin


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I have currently been exeprimenting alot with this carding/swiping thing now and ive come to the conclusion that programing the emv chip onloe works like 5 percent of the time.
Ive only been lucky once and succeded, And thats not a good odds cause ive been trying with like 15 dumps. The real sauce is the magstripe like the guy above says!.
The only chance you have is buying a "CREDIT" dump. Most credit cards dont bother if you are using the magstripe because its pretty normal for credit cards like amex to use the magstripe.
If you try using the magstripe on debit dumps you will notice it works if you jam the terminal a couple times but the purchase will never go trough for security reasons.
So what i recommend is get credit dumps, Preferibly amex. They allow you to use the magstripe. Thats atleast what i noticed yesturday when i went to try an amex dump out.
It litteraly said swipe the card after one emv jam.

Anyways im new here but i wont quit until i succesefully cash out my dump. One thing to, Forget the atm!!!. The atm has a whole different security then a normal instore terminal.
Only way to cash out your dumps is go and get a corona mask then go to the electronics section and get electronics from a physical store.

Anyways today im buying some more dumps to try out, Hope it works. If anyone here is based in europe write to me and we can talk :). Planning on buying germany dumps since i live in sweden and its close.
Just hope its not region blocket.


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I have currently been exeprimenting alot with this carding/swiping thing now and ive come to the conclusion that programing the emv chip onloe works like 5 percent of the time.
Ive only been lucky once and succeded, And thats not a good odds cause ive been trying with like 15 dumps. The real sauce is the magstripe like the guy above says!.
The only chance you have is buying a "CREDIT" dump. Most credit cards dont bother if you are using the magstripe because its pretty normal for credit cards like amex to use the magstripe.
If you try using the magstripe on debit dumps you will notice it works if you jam the terminal a couple times but the purchase will never go trough for security reasons.
So what i recommend is get credit dumps, Preferibly amex. They allow you to use the magstripe. Thats atleast what i noticed yesturday when i went to try an amex dump out.
It litteraly said swipe the card after one emv jam.

Anyways im new here but i wont quit until i succesefully cash out my dump. One thing to, Forget the atm!!!. The atm has a whole different security then a normal instore terminal.
Only way to cash out your dumps is go and get a corona mask then go to the electronics section and get electronics from a physical store.

Anyways today im buying some more dumps to try out, Hope it works. If anyone here is based in europe write to me and we can talk :). Planning on buying germany dumps since i live in sweden and its close.
Just hope its not region blocket.
NFC works with dumps


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NFC works with dumps
Sure but you can barely spend 20 dollars with nfc :/. Or you mean you do nfc then you get the option to write the pin code?
what information does the card give when it touches an nfc??


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I have currently been exeprimenting alot with this carding/swiping thing now and ive come to the conclusion that programing the emv chip onloe works like 5 percent of the time.
Ive only been lucky once and succeded, And thats not a good odds cause ive been trying with like 15 dumps. The real sauce is the magstripe like the guy above says!.
The only chance you have is buying a "CREDIT" dump. Most credit cards dont bother if you are using the magstripe because its pretty normal for credit cards like amex to use the magstripe.
If you try using the magstripe on debit dumps you will notice it works if you jam the terminal a couple times but the purchase will never go trough for security reasons.
So what i recommend is get credit dumps, Preferibly amex. They allow you to use the magstripe. Thats atleast what i noticed yesturday when i went to try an amex dump out.
It litteraly said swipe the card after one emv jam.

Anyways im new here but i wont quit until i succesefully cash out my dump. One thing to, Forget the atm!!!. The atm has a whole different security then a normal instore terminal.
Only way to cash out your dumps is go and get a corona mask then go to the electronics section and get electronics from a physical store.

Anyways today im buying some more dumps to try out, Hope it works. If anyone here is based in europe write to me and we can talk :). Planning on buying germany dumps since i live in sweden and its close.
Just hope its not region blocket.
Hey all dudes, i have a thread lookin for a business partner, i provide dumps, no need to invest, contactme with ur telegram by pm, thx
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Director of Pussy Control
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The misinformation about EMV cloning is amazing, as is how many people continue to shout “YES IT CAN BE DONE”, but pretty much every one that claims to know how just wants to make a buck or two for a few videos and some badly written software front ends that require freely available but difficult to acquire software packages, specific hardware, et cetera.

To me, it seems the ONLY way to cash out any EMV cards is to put on my Trader hat and sell buckets of ice to all you Eskimos until someone recognizes me and then just flip script and come back again tomorrow as another Trader, with more buckets of ice, ad nauseum, ad infinitum.

In reality, if EMV cards were indeed reliably cloneable, don’t you think the big issuer banks would shit themselves in fear? The intensity and fury of the cascading maelstrom of banker-diarrhea would be nothing short of an African cholera epidemic in lower Manhattan, New York. It would float the fucking Merrill-Lynch bull through Battery Park and overflow into the East river, for fuck’s sake!
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I have currently been exeprimenting alot with this carding/swiping thing now and ive come to the conclusion that programing the emv chip onloe works like 5 percent of the time.
Ive only been lucky once and succeded, And thats not a good odds cause ive been trying with like 15 dumps. The real sauce is the magstripe like the guy above says!.
The only chance you have is buying a "CREDIT" dump. Most credit cards dont bother if you are using the magstripe because its pretty normal for credit cards like amex to use the magstripe.
If you try using the magstripe on debit dumps you will notice it works if you jam the terminal a couple times but the purchase will never go trough for security reasons.
So what i recommend is get credit dumps, Preferibly amex. They allow you to use the magstripe. Thats atleast what i noticed yesturday when i went to try an amex dump out.
It litteraly said swipe the card after one emv jam.

Anyways im new here but i wont quit until i succesefully cash out my dump. One thing to, Forget the atm!!!. The atm has a whole different security then a normal instore terminal.
Only way to cash out your dumps is go and get a corona mask then go to the electronics section and get electronics from a physical store.

Anyways today im buying some more dumps to try out, Hope it works. If anyone here is based in europe write to me and we can talk :). Planning on buying germany dumps since i live in sweden and its close.
Just hope its not region blocket.
Yo telegram me whitecollar2022


best swiper
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so your telling me you can't clone on Java 40k with 201's? So how do the card cloner's stay in business?
ik someone that can actually hit 201 cards, met up with him in person and he doesn't get the recognition he deserves @therealATR on tele the guys legit af and 201 cloning in the uk!
not like other shitty scam vendors like redhatclones and shii guys legit i recommend him he makes his own atr software


best swiper
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Hey all dudes, i have a thread lookin for a business partner, i provide dumps, no need to invest, contactme with ur telegram by pm, thx
hey wassup slide me a messege my tele is my username


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wow, you are really talking about nonsense... you are wasting your time and money with those 101 dumps, those IST files are not about the whole map but it is about the BIN you need those IST files for and of course only the IST file is not sufficient, but because when loading that IST file you also have to fill in the data of the dump that you want to clone, each bin has its own kind of script with APDU commands and that ensures that your cloned card knows how to must communicate with the bank associated with the BIN, and without the correct IST file for your bin you indeed cannot clone an EMV chip, and you must generate the AQCR on the date you want to cash out that money, more than half of people already make the mistake in this that they fill in the expiry Date of the dump, and then you just generate the 3 AQCR code and then you can do 3 transactions with that card if you only generate 1 AQCR you can only do 1 transaction, and before you start cloning, you also need to check your k fuse with the correct ATR code, if you skip this step, the sws will not work either because the ATM has no idea what to do with the card and it indicates that the card or bank is not compatible, And every bank uses another ATR so don't give up too soon and do some more research because it just doesn't work for you because you didn't take certain steps or are doing something wrong


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im in the bahamas we have older atms. I manage to withdraw funds from a 201 non region lock before can show you. No cap @kidkuffey.


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I have currently been exeprimenting alot with this carding/swiping thing now and ive come to the conclusion that programing the emv chip onloe works like 5 percent of the time.
Ive only been lucky once and succeded, And thats not a good odds cause ive been trying with like 15 dumps. The real sauce is the magstripe like the guy above says!.
The only chance you have is buying a "CREDIT" dump. Most credit cards dont bother if you are using the magstripe because its pretty normal for credit cards like amex to use the magstripe.
If you try using the magstripe on debit dumps you will notice it works if you jam the terminal a couple times but the purchase will never go trough for security reasons.
So what i recommend is get credit dumps, Preferibly amex. They allow you to use the magstripe. Thats atleast what i noticed yesturday when i went to try an amex dump out.
It litteraly said swipe the card after one emv jam.

Anyways im new here but i wont quit until i succesefully cash out my dump. One thing to, Forget the atm!!!. The atm has a whole different security then a normal instore terminal.
Only way to cash out your dumps is go and get a corona mask then go to the electronics section and get electronics from a physical store.

Anyways today im buying some more dumps to try out, Hope it works. If anyone here is based in europe write to me and we can talk :). Planning on buying germany dumps since i live in sweden and its close.
Just hope its not region blocket.
I have currently been exeprimenting alot with this carding/swiping thing now and ive come to the conclusion that programing the emv chip onloe works like 5 percent of the time.
Ive only been lucky once and succeded, And thats not a good odds cause ive been trying with like 15 dumps. The real sauce is the magstripe like the guy above says!.
The only chance you have is buying a "CREDIT" dump. Most credit cards dont bother if you are using the magstripe because its pretty normal for credit cards like amex to use the magstripe.
If you try using the magstripe on debit dumps you will notice it works if you jam the terminal a couple times but the purchase will never go trough for security reasons.
So what i recommend is get credit dumps, Preferibly amex. They allow you to use the magstripe. Thats atleast what i noticed yesturday when i went to try an amex dump out.
It litteraly said swipe the card after one emv jam.

Anyways im new here but i wont quit until i succesefully cash out my dump. One thing to, Forget the atm!!!. The atm has a whole different security then a normal instore terminal.
Only way to cash out your dumps is go and get a corona mask then go to the electronics section and get electronics from a physical store.

Anyways today im buying some more dumps to try out, Hope it works. If anyone here is based in europe write to me and we can talk :). Planning on buying germany dumps since i live in sweden and its close.
Just hope its not region blocket.
Vad er din telegram bram? Du er svensk jag er norsk, la oss samarbeide. Jag gjør ochså in store carding, och vi kan hjelpe hverandre


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I do in-store carding for a living, if anyone is from europe send me a message on telegram and we can share info and help eachother, i'll even make a group. Pm on Telegram if you are interessted. Telegram: @incognitohx


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EMV is fake MAGSTRIP is Alive make fake cash apps or venoms or square PayPal acts with some fulls verify them if u can and ship mags doesn't matter if it 201 or 101s or 212 or whatever your using this guy up here who made this post know what he's talking about
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