Its easy for everyone including myself to say anyone selling " NON VBV ADD TO APPLE PAY BIN " is full of shit.
- No one in their right mind would even sell something so amazing if they had it.
- If you really were selling it, you would find a way to prove it without exposing the bin its self.
I can proof it but not to hungry starved peasant and timewasting pigs like you who after seeing proof will still not buy!!
You want proof then send me a video of your wallet showimg you have a minimum of $1000 in real time to.affotd it!!, then I shoe you proof so you don't stupidly waste my time and yours
Aldo I know you are a blind faggot and didn't see where I gladly escrow!! Don't send me the 1k upfront, send it to admin as escrow of your hungry starved peasant and beggar broke head can afford it!...if admin confirms the deposit, I send you the bins, you buy the card, you add without otp and admin releases the escrow!! If it asks fot otp, then admin returns your escrow and everyone is happy....but I guess common sense isn't so common uo unrepentant unrepairable untreatable retarded imbecile faggot pigs like you