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Forget EMV scam, This is how to cashout dumps + pin


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3 dip? clown
the atm does not let u dip 3 times, that is the pos
everytime u dip is a new transactions


Carding Novice
Reaction score
I rather have donkey status for calling you out than get banned with -19 score on crdclub only ripper in here is you

Never in life I tried to sell emv software look at my thread it clearly say atm and pos are not emv required where am at you are making up stories to hide the fact that you are max crdclub ripper banned
Can you please contact me ?
telegram @MRCARDER99


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What do you claim here exactly? You can't create your own card information, you can replicate the data that already exists..


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3 dip? clown
the atm does not let u dip 3 times, that is the pos
everytime u dip is a new transactions
You are a consistent dumb dull brainless senseless skilless idiotic pig!!
First 3 dip works only if your bank alliows fallback !! Also it only works for certain old atm models you retarded imbecile illiterate asshole!! And we all know you are the clone of checkbuss10k whose previous username was flung out, banned permanently for being a verified certified ripping pig


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You are a consistent dumb dull brainless senseless skilless idiotic pig!!
First 3 dip works only if your bank alliows fallback !! Also it only works for certain old atm models you retarded imbecile illiterate asshole!! And we all know you are the clone of checkbuss10k whose previous username was flung out, banned permanently for being a verified certified ripping pig
idk what u talk about previous whatever, u got the wrong people.
anyway, u talk behind a keyboard like a bitch about things i encounter daily on street
i am willing to put 100$ to escrow if you can point me anywhere in the united states a dip atm that falls back on stripe after 3 swipes.
u dense dumb idiot, everytime u slide the card in u hear the chip claw blocking the card so it tries to read the chip.
pull it out, stick it back in, the screen already ask for pin
but wtf can i ask for a dumb mf who mistake me for somebody else?


Carding Novice
Reaction score
Forget EMV software if you decide to cashout skimmed/hacked dumps + pin

You can't clone the emv chip, that's imposible but you can cashout out at old atms by breaking the chip , writing the magstripe and 3 dipping the atm

Your best method to cashout dumps + pin are listed below.

First get 101 code....101 code isnt chip

Now the problem is that most dump shops or vendors that claim the dumps they sell is 101, actually is 201

So you see something like this


But in reality it is this below


So the main sauce is to really get bins that are 101 and not 201 bins erroneously masked as 101

But even getting a real 101 code isn't enough. Cos the dump + pin may be region blocked, which means won't work in a different city or won't work in a different country or won't work in a different state etc

So the sauce is to get real 101 bins that are not region blocked

Now for 201 dumps ( chip + pin), I told you you can't clone other stolen details, the videos you see faking using emv software are either the person cloning his own real card ( not using stolen hacked skimmed data) or the person 3 dipping

break the chip so the atm has to read the mag stripe

Try 3 times with chip is gonna fail so then it takes the mag stripe

Just break the chip for 201

101s don't use chip

Yeah a few scratches with a knife will do

See image and video to get a full perspective

Now 3 dipping only works in some certain old ATMs , so the sauce is knowing those ATMs and their locations

But knowing those ATMs and their locations isn't enough, since like 101, 201 also has region block

So the sauce is knowing 201 bins that are non region blocked by default ( a customer can still inform his financial institution to region block his card or unblock it if he's going on vacation) and knowing the ATMs and the locations that 3 dip works on

Other factors are

. DEPEND OF COUNTRY WHERE ARE U BASED ... if in high risk fraudulent country

non emv atm available or not ?

AMOUNT what did you punch ?

Track 1 and Track 2 +PIN or only Track 2 u used ?..

Working BINS list changes everyday
Quality of DUMPS + pin?
One question
If you can cash out 101 dumps
You need to encode it with MSRX
But how you gonna encode PiN with MSRX?
Thank u for answering


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idk what u talk about previous whatever, u got the wrong people.
anyway, u talk behind a keyboard like a bitch about things i encounter daily on street
i am willing to put 100$ to escrow if you can point me anywhere in the united states a dip atm that falls back on stripe after 3 swipes.
u dense dumb idiot, everytime u slide the card in u hear the chip claw blocking the card so it tries to read the chip.
pull it out, stick it back in, the screen already ask for pin
but wtf can i ask for a dumb mf who mistake me for somebody else?
You are just too suicidal and too depressed that I got your previous ripping username checkbuss10k banned abd kicked out of forum ! That's why anytime you register new clones your first posts are to come crying on my threads cos you are still bitter and too sad that you can't get new ripping victims

You are a confused contradictory moron and unrepentant ripping pig!! Show us were you mentioned you accept escrow until I exposed the 100% fact that you never ever accept escrow...we both know escrow makes you constantly sweat, gets you too terrified and very afraid...cos how will a ripping pig like you now rip to feed??

You a verified certified illiterate idiot!! First of all who told this brainless moron pig that 3 dip was limited to the united states'!?? So you think there are no ATMs on Europe? Middle east? Asia?? Why is common sense not so common to retarded imbecile pigs like you??

Pig, 3 dip works only on these conditions!! Specific old ATMs, specific old pos and specific bank dumb brainless senseless idiotic moron!!

And yes it works in the united states'but you really think anyone will give you the specific ATMs for free?? Its like going to the car dealer and asking for a free Maserati!! Put $2000 in escrow and you will be directed to the specific remote areas where the ATMs are ....not you stupid peanuts $100, you hungry starved peasant and ripping beggar

Consistent beggar and broke asshole, you can't always try to beg your way out of a Maserati you pig.

I know you are so depressed and frustrated that I keep exposing all your ripping tactics same way I did with your banned ripping username
..but pig if you come with 238 clones , I will expose all

This dumb brainless senseless clueless ripping pig doesn't even know checkers can kill dumps??

This noob asshole doesn't even know some dumps + pin balance can be checked online over the phone or internet!!

Like I said if you want to get ripped by this already banned ripper in the past, deal with him and GET RIPPED 100% THAT'S A GUARANTEE


Reaction score
You are just too suicidal and too depressed that I got your previous ripping username checkbuss10k banned abd kicked out of forum ! That's why anytime you register new clones your first posts are to come crying on my threads cos you are still bitter and too sad that you can't get new ripping victims

You are a confused contradictory moron and unrepentant ripping pig!! Show us were you mentioned you accept escrow until I exposed the 100% fact that you never ever accept escrow...we both know escrow makes you constantly sweat, gets you too terrified and very afraid...cos how will a ripping pig like you now rip to feed??

You a verified certified illiterate idiot!! First of all who told this brainless moron pig that 3 dip was limited to the united states'!?? So you think there are no ATMs on Europe? Middle east? Asia?? Why is common sense not so common to retarded imbecile pigs like you??

Pig, 3 dip works only on these conditions!! Specific old ATMs, specific old pos and specific bank dumb brainless senseless idiotic moron!!

And yes it works in the united states'but you really think anyone will give you the specific ATMs for free?? Its like going to the car dealer and asking for a free Maserati!! Put $2000 in escrow and you will be directed to the specific remote areas where the ATMs are ....not you stupid peanuts $100, you hungry starved peasant and ripping beggar

Consistent beggar and broke asshole, you can't always try to beg your way out of a Maserati you pig.

I know you are so depressed and frustrated that I keep exposing all your ripping tactics same way I did with your banned ripping username
..but pig if you come with 238 clones , I will expose all

This dumb brainless senseless clueless ripping pig doesn't even know checkers can kill dumps??

This noob asshole doesn't even know some dumps + pin balance can be checked online over the phone or internet!!

Like I said if you want to get ripped by this already banned ripper in the past, deal with him and GET RIPPED 100% THAT'S A GUARANTEE

the only thing that i beg is to take a piss on you
u mistake me for somebody else

my post state clear that i accept escrow.

come you goat fucker punjabi turd, i will give u 2 for free.
literally for free


Reaction score
the only thing that i beg is to take a piss on you
u mistake me for somebody else

my post state clear that i accept escrow.

come you goat fucker punjabi turd, i will give u 2 for free.
literally for free
You are a hungry starved peasant and consistent beggar!!
Your deceptive deceitful ripping head was hoping foolishly you could beg your way of the specific old ATMS that allowed for 3 dipping and got too depressed and frustrated that you couldn't beg your way out of a free Maserati!!

Your previous username was banned, flung off this forum permanently never ever to stain this forum and you are back with trying to rip for more

You only mentioned escrow after I exposed the 100% fact that escrow makes you feel too jittery, very scared and makes your verified certified ripping pig head sweat

Anyone ( apart from yourself and clones) who deals with you will get ripped 10000% THAT'S A GUARANTEE


Reaction score
You are a hungry starved peasant and consistent beggar!!
Your deceptive deceitful ripping head was hoping foolishly you could beg your way of the specific old ATMS that allowed for 3 dipping and got too depressed and frustrated that you couldn't beg your way out of a free Maserati!!

Your previous username was banned, flung off this forum permanently never ever to stain this forum and you are back with trying to rip for more

You only mentioned escrow after I exposed the 100% fact that escrow makes you feel too jittery, very scared and makes your verified certified ripping pig head sweat

Anyone ( apart from yourself and clones) who deals with you will get ripped 10000% THAT'S A GUARANTEE

i am sorry if u was abused
or somene else fucked your goat
all my posts say i accept escrow
the fact that you are a looser indian piece of shit who got mad because i expose your "method" has nothing to do with me
rest in piss
ill block you since you illiterate cunt can't understand that u mistake me.


Reaction score
i am sorry if u was abused
or somene else fucked your goat
all my posts say i accept escrow
the fact that you are a looser indian piece of shit who got mad because i expose your "method" has nothing to do with me
rest in piss
ill block you since you illiterate cunt can't understand that u mistake me.
You are very suicidal and too depressed that even after your already banned ripping ass came with a new clone username, I swiftly exposed you!!

Now let's break down your unlimited stupidity and unlimited foolishness!!

What methods of mine did you expose you retarded imbecile pig with a brainless senseless idiotic skull??

Can chip be cloned?? No
Does nfc apps for dumps exist?? Yes
Does 3 dipping work? yes

You were hoping foolishly in your broke dreams that you could beg your way out for free for the vital information on the location of the 100% working 3 dipping ATMs in the states!!

I should give you a free Maserati right?? Do I look like your pig mom to breastmilk you?? I know you were starved as a kid and still close to dying of starvation ....but if you want the real atm locations and specific ATMs, put $2000 in escrow, not hoping foolishly that years of research will be given for free cos you were on your slave knees begging


Carding Novice
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I clone my 221 dump card,I read the magstripe data from my daily debit card which in use and a erase magstripe data from my blocked card and write the data from my daily card,then I test on msr605 and read the new dumps,but when I swiping in pos terminal didn't continue to transaction,Do you know why?I am from greece if it helps


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I clone my 221 dump card,I read the magstripe data from my daily debit card which in use and a erase magstripe data from my blocked card and write the data from my daily card,then I test on msr605 and read the new dumps,but when I swiping in pos terminal didn't continue to transaction,Do you know why?I am from greece if it helps
put a little transparent tape on the chip
write track1 too


Carding Novice
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Your a nerd a lot of people still cashout dumps on emv
yea i was about to say: dont people nowadays cashout by writing the emv, i mean theres a lot of shit around it like what softwares work and a lot of scammers but i swear its a legit thing.


Carding Novice
Reaction score
Forget EMV software if you decide to cashout skimmed/hacked dumps + pin

You can't clone the emv chip, that's imposible but you can cashout out at old atms by breaking the chip , writing the magstripe and 3 dipping the atm

Your best method to cashout dumps + pin are listed below.

First get 101 code....101 code isnt chip

Now the problem is that most dump shops or vendors that claim the dumps they sell is 101, actually is 201

So you see something like this


But in reality it is this below


So the main sauce is to really get bins that are 101 and not 201 bins erroneously masked as 101

But even getting a real 101 code isn't enough. Cos the dump + pin may be region blocked, which means won't work in a different city or won't work in a different country or won't work in a different state etc

So the sauce is to get real 101 bins that are not region blocked

Now for 201 dumps ( chip + pin), I told you you can't clone other stolen details, the videos you see faking using emv software are either the person cloning his own real card ( not using stolen hacked skimmed data) or the person 3 dipping

break the chip so the atm has to read the mag stripe

Try 3 times with chip is gonna fail so then it takes the mag stripe

Just break the chip for 201

101s don't use chip

Yeah a few scratches with a knife will do

See image and video to get a full perspective

Now 3 dipping only works in some certain old ATMs , so the sauce is knowing those ATMs and their locations

But knowing those ATMs and their locations isn't enough, since like 101, 201 also has region block

So the sauce is knowing 201 bins that are non region blocked by default ( a customer can still inform his financial institution to region block his card or unblock it if he's going on vacation) and knowing the ATMs and the locations that 3 dip works on

Other factors are

. DEPEND OF COUNTRY WHERE ARE U BASED ... if in high risk fraudulent country

non emv atm available or not ?

AMOUNT what did you punch ?

Track 1 and Track 2 +PIN or only Track 2 u used ?..

Working BINS list changes everyday
Quality of DUMPS + pin?
Will 120 service codes work on atm?
And I’ve been using bin 481582 service code 201 at atms with blank that only has magstrip (no chip) I’m only able to check balance not withdraw is the reason for that bc my blank has no chip? Or?


Carding Novice
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wow, you are really talking about nonsense... you are wasting your time and money with those 101 dumps, those IST files are not about the whole map but it is about the BIN you need those IST files for and of course only the IST file is not sufficient, but because when loading that IST file you also have to fill in the data of the dump that you want to clone, each bin has its own kind of script with APDU commands and that ensures that your cloned card knows how to must communicate with the bank associated with the BIN, and without the correct IST file for your bin you indeed cannot clone an EMV chip, and you must generate the AQCR on the date you want to cash out that money, more than half of people already make the mistake in this that they fill in the expiry Date of the dump, and then you just generate the 3 AQCR code and then you can do 3 transactions with that card if you only generate 1 AQCR you can only do 1 transaction, and before you start cloning, you also need to check your k fuse with the correct ATR code, if you skip this step, the sws will not work either because the ATM has no idea what to do with the card and it indicates that the card or bank is not compatible, And every bank uses another ATR so don't give up too soon and do some more research because it just doesn't work for you because you didn't take certain steps or are doing something wrong
when i try to change the ATR ON J2COB040 with atrtool 2.0.. its right for me that atr change filed make sure that your card is jacob040... iam sure that my card is ajacob040.. but dont understand whats wrong.. can you help ?


Carding Novice
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Will 120 service codes work on atm?
And I’ve been using bin 481582 service code 201 at atms with blank that only has magstrip (no chip) I’m only able to check balance not withdraw is the reason for that bc my blank has no chip? Or?
i just had that problem like 4 hours ago. if you find a solution let me know sumin and vice versa.


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Hello All!

Many Know me already from my previous forums
Many know me for being on the team that created the tapping apps yo've come to love.(track2nfc,tapito,swipeyours,Mycard,Airpay,GoogleTap,Airpay2.0)
Some know of my work from the snake BRIANSCLUB and his krebsonsecurity article posting site. (where he spotlights competition and not himself....)
My Site was since closed down in 2019 of June and I have since moved to Icq (660760419 old and only uin) Since icq changed its TOS and sells your location and user info to "3rd-party" companies I have abandoned ICQ platform and switched over to telegram @GodPrvt

My only chat rooms and my only username I have NO OTHER

I have the same inventory as I have always had
CUSTOM BUILT Profiles to order
Info Lookups(DL,ssndob,MMN,MVR,TLO,EIN,License plate search,etc..)
EMV CHIP Software suite (Have many customers already and a track record of customer testimonial proof. I always and only recommend using instore and not ATM use. BEWARE OF RIPPERS THAT CANNOT CONNECT TO YOUR PC AND TEACH YOU HANDS ON AFTER PURCHASE)
Uber Eats Orders
Uber Ride Orders
Misc. Food Orders
Events&Trip Booking
And Much Much More...!!!!

Come Join One of the Oldest communities on the DarkNet. VERIFIED Admin&Sellers
Come to God.
Everything You Ever Needed Is Here.



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5300791001786029|05/25|148|Micah Roeschley|8376 county road 138|Celina|TX|75009|UNITED STATES|3096960773|

5178058605540908|06/24|281|Hanna Rosales|708 wickham ridge rd|Apex|NC|27539|UNITED STATES|9043188782|

6011005652985923|11/27|076|Michael De Santis|6250 longleaf pine drive|Jupiter|FL|33458|UNITED STATES|5617582424|

6011012029180568|04/28|182|Genowefa McKinnon|77 harding ave|Newington|CT|06111|UNITED STATES|8607948892|

4744721037925785|07/28|677|JOSE SOSA|6281 naaman forest blvd apt 1201|Garland|TX|75044|UNITED STATES||

5217295360369494|03/25|712|Rowan Eiszele|77 hollyhock drive|Orange|NJ|7050|AUSTRALIA|407225502|

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4833140014612872|06/27|468|Port Lavaca|897 merriam forge road|Port Lavaca|TX|77979|UNITED STATES||

6011014055197458|06/26|993|Austin Presley|519 rainbow circle|West Columbia|SC|29170|UNITED STATES|8035561708|

4833120089992540|04/27|985|Garey Dyer Jr|6760 northwest 45th street|Fort Lauderdale|FL|33319|UNITED STATES|2405602086|

4403934666000687|11/27|450|Matthew Dwenger|1406 hillsborough street|Raleigh|NC|27605|UNITED STATES|7864171752|

4024645593604156|07/25|654|Seth Manion|3622 edison ave|Benton|AR|72015|UNITED STATES|5019204131|

4737029133920075|12/24|144|Nicholas Dorschug|495 terrapin road|Venice|FL|34293|UNITED STATES|9415396832|

4744721024403994|05/26|115|Theodore Textor|107 player way|Simpsonville|SC|29681|UNITED STATES||

6011006425405322|05/28|731|Dennis Lindberg|460 county road 252|Thayer|MO|65791|UNITED STATES||

6011006296546477|07/26|555|KERVIN SKIPPER|567 sharp ln apt 226|Baton Rouge|LA|70815|UNITED STATES|2253021469|

4960780013332173|12/26|897|Belkis Posad|582 oliver street|Fort Worth|TX|76102|HONDURAS||

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4427360017689915|03/25|915|Briannna McDonald|300 south morrison avenue|Collinsville|IL|62234|UNITED STATES|6187468852|


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Forget EMV software if you decide to cashout skimmed/hacked dumps + pin

You can't clone the emv chip, that's imposible but you can cashout out at old atms by breaking the chip , writing the magstripe and 3 dipping the atm

Your best method to cashout dumps + pin are listed below.

First get 101 code....101 code isnt chip

Now the problem is that most dump shops or vendors that claim the dumps they sell is 101, actually is 201

So you see something like this


But in reality it is this below


So the main sauce is to really get bins that are 101 and not 201 bins erroneously masked as 101

But even getting a real 101 code isn't enough. Cos the dump + pin may be region blocked, which means won't work in a different city or won't work in a different country or won't work in a different state etc

So the sauce is to get real 101 bins that are not region blocked

Now for 201 dumps ( chip + pin), I told you you can't clone other stolen details, the videos you see faking using emv software are either the person cloning his own real card ( not using stolen hacked skimmed data) or the person 3 dipping

break the chip so the atm has to read the mag stripe

Try 3 times with chip is gonna fail so then it takes the mag stripe

Just break the chip for 201

101s don't use chip

Yeah a few scratches with a knife will do

See image and video to get a full perspective

Now 3 dipping only works in some certain old ATMs , so the sauce is knowing those ATMs and their locations

But knowing those ATMs and their locations isn't enough, since like 101, 201 also has region block

So the sauce is knowing 201 bins that are non region blocked by default ( a customer can still inform his financial institution to region block his card or unblock it if he's going on vacation) and knowing the ATMs and the locations that 3 dip works on

Other factors are

. DEPEND OF COUNTRY WHERE ARE U BASED ... if in high risk fraudulent country

non emv atm available or not ?

AMOUNT what did you punch ?

Track 1 and Track 2 +PIN or only Track 2 u used ?..

Working BINS list changes everyday
Quality of DUMPS + pin?
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