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Goodmorning people carding is still good people, I know a lot of people that have success in carding, the difference is that they DONT BUY FROM THIS SHITTY FORUM. Every fuckin shop here is a joke, scam, etc. unfortunately for some you will need to sniff ur own CCS. I've been getting every once in a while a good CC, But yeah try getting ur shit by yourself, ALL THE SHOPS USE THE SAME DATA BASE, you will find a lot of shops selling the same cards. The only way you will stop getting scammed is by getting your own CCS. I got some ccs out of this forum and I've had more success rate with them in 3 days then the 2 fucking years I've been in this forum.
and how to do that where you get ?


Carding Novice
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Goodmorning people carding is still good people, I know a lot of people that have success in carding, the difference is that they DONT BUY FROM THIS SHITTY FORUM. Every fuckin shop here is a joke, scam, etc. unfortunately for some you will need to sniff ur own CCS. I’ve been getting every once in a while a good CC, But yeah try getting ur shit by urself,ALL THE SHOPS USE THE SAME DATA BASE, you will find a lot of shops selling the same cards. The only way you will stop getting scammed is by getting ur own CCS. I got some ccs out of this forum and I’ve had more success rate with them in 3 days then the 2 fucking years I’ve been in this forum.
yeah thats great and all but um, how do you sniff ccs. i heard it basically phising or like hacking or something of the sort but i js have no idea how to do it, and i dont wanna pay for a tutorial on how to do it.


Carding Novice
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I’m getting so tired of Brian’s Club Bull**** The prices are ridiculous and more than half the time the cards are burnt. Also his customer service is for shit. I spend a decent amount buying CVV in fact (see pic) over the last 60 days I’ve done about $2500 which is about what I do on average for most of the last 4-5 years (even more so now that cards aren’t $5 like they were at one time on fe-acc18, god I miss those days!) but generally speaking I do $1000-$1300 a month. So I’m no stranger to numbers and what’s what and how things should be what to expect and most importantly what isn’t right when it isn’t RIGHT!

So yesterday I purchased a card that worked on low level processor that didn’t require name, address (zip) etc. online gambling basically bingo app to be specific, however when I tried using it on something that had a bit more security things weren’t adding up. I looked up the card owners name things didn’t seem right then looked up the address and wouldn’t you know neither one of them exist the address was generated the name was generated so of course I’m fucking pissed because this is happening all too often now. So I kindly send customer service a message just informing them that it’s irritating that this is happening and at the end of it I say, and of course I’d like a refund but we’ll see how that plays out knowing full well from past experiences, this won’t happen and this prick decides to send me this message….

Hello Mayham,

Please have some respect for my time creating tickets like these providing 00 Approval cards, otherwise I may completely stop doing further exceptions for you checking non-refundable purchases.

If you don't get an approval for whatever reason including being flagged as a returning fraud customer, that doesn't mean the card you bought deserves a refund. I never argue over response codes 14 Card No. Error, 15 No Such Issuer, 39 No Account, 54 Invalid Expiration Date or 82 CVV2 Mismatch. These are instantly refunded. But that's not the case here:

Card number 420767
Exp Date 11/27
CVV2 536 (Matched)
Auth Code 00
Auth Message APPROVAL
AVS Code N/A
Status Valid

Pretty much proves you've got to catch up with current fraud prevention techniques and spend some quality time reading tutorials and guides on carding communities and forums to avoid getting denied using the cards these days.

Carding online takes a lot of effort, avoiding being flagged as a returning fraud customer, using anti-detect tools, private socks, VPNs, VPS or dedicated servers. I do realize how important that is for my customers to stay satisfied with the product they are buying, but I cannot teach them on how to properly use CCs with cvv2 online and disguise themselves as a legitimate card owner. No matter where you enter the card you've purchased, your browser, IP address, headers, webRTC, canvas id, screen resolution and other fingerprinting information will be passing through fraud-prevention filters that each and every site that's accepting credit cards online now having.

Refunds are not allowed if:
- card was checked and valid (00 Approval) by checker
- time for check has passed
- card has status "non refundable"
- insufficient account balance for checking purchases

Please read the Rules for more details:

Have a nice day!

So I’ve about had it with shit like this. If anyone can give me some insight on what marketplaces they are using these days and some info on their success with cards how often they update etc etc I’d appreciate it. I’ve been doing this along time and have never seen so many shops as there are these days and I just don’t have the energy and or patience to go through them all to find a decent shop.

Hi, where do you buy it now?


Carding Novice
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Goodmorning people carding is still good people, I know a lot of people that have success in carding, the difference is that they DONT BUY FROM THIS SHITTY FORUM. Every fuckin shop here is a joke, scam, etc. unfortunately for some you will need to sniff ur own CCS. I’ve been getting every once in a while a good CC, But yeah try getting ur shit by urself,ALL THE SHOPS USE THE SAME DATA BASE, you will find a lot of shops selling the same cards. The only way you will stop getting scammed is by getting ur own CCS. I got some ccs out of this forum and I’ve had more success rate with them in 3 days then the 2 fucking years I’ve been in this forum.
thats not true lol


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and how to do that where you get ?
LOL I can bet there's gonna be a charge associated with it! Don't spend your money on the market places! no no they are a scam, In fact you are lucky cause today and today only i was told that I can deeply discount the cost of training course, but you have to act fast cause the boss said there are only a certain number of seats left for this next month! Its crazy I've never seen them discount the cost EVER in fact about 2 years ago when i got into this cause i was tired of being ripped by the markets I paid full price for my seat even! So i guess there's only 3 seats left which retail for $2,499 for the complete course which includes 12 hours of nonsense broken up into 6 2 hours lesson plans on a zip drive that is corrupt and your lucky if you can ever get it open and if you just so happen to extract the 6 MP3 files that a 2hours each there's only about 37-45 minutes of actual distinguishable audio the remaining 74-83 minutes is dead audio, the audio from a Indian call center (very hard to hear but you'll know what i 'am talking about when you hear this on file 2, 3 & 4 also there is what sounds like a soccer (football) game from 1992 some championship game in I think Bolivia possibly Uruguay's national amateur B team, and finally there's periods that you hear what sounds like the recording of someone's home I assume while they are gone at work, they also live in I believe an Eastern European country as the house or apartment is on a busy street/road and you can occasionally hear the distinct sound of what can only be a Yugo horn ( i had an uncle who imported several Yugos in the early 90's thinking they were going to resurge after massively failing in the late 80's and we were only days then weeks then months away from this happening. Any ways i use to honk the horn (hence recognizing the sound) in my uncle 1985 1/2 GV when he had 1/8th of a tank of gas left while he went grocery shopping at Alpha Beta. Why you ask? Well when the thing finally would start which sometimes could take 16 hours to happen at times no less than 4 hours in its later years you didn't want to turn it off, in fact you couldn't turn it off the key was fused into the ignition assembly which meant you basically had to let the gas run out for it to turn off so at an 1/8th of a tank that was enough gas to finish shopping, check out, stop at sav-on for his prescription thyroid medication and get us back to his place without running out of gas too far away from where he lived. Yes I said without running out of gas too far away! My uncle was also cheap and paranoid two very dangerous things to have together, you see he would want to run out if his math was correct less than 3/4 of a miole from the house as it was a slow down hill grade to his property from 3/4 of a mile away which meant very little pushing was needed which sucked no matter what time of the year it was cause the hetaer was also stuck in the on position so you sweat like a whore in church in it year round, the window cranksa that were made of plastic broke within the first month of him owning it and only the drivers window was down about 1/4 of the way which in the winter brought me a lot of joy seeing my uncle get soaked when it rained but eventually left a strong mold smell in the car mixed with gasoline cause the gas cap was fused on the tank and he had to fill it by sitting in the back seat and in a hole he cut out with a hole saw directly into the tank which was under the rear seats on the drivers side. Memories anyway yea so the sound file was definitely a residence in an Eastern European neighborhood and they had a beagle or basset hound bark I pressume when the mail was delivered every day. So in addition to the MP3 You will also get zip file with 236 .TXT files and .STL files mixed throughout I hope you can read and understand latin and mandarin Chinese cause about 80% of the files are in those languages and about 40 of the documents are the same just one is in latin the other is in Mandarin. And lastly there is a 3 hour Q&A that occurs which is done on skype or zoom, what they fail to mention is the time zone for the Q&A so its usually over by the time you figure out what platform its on and what address its at so you can log into it . However the price being deeply discounted at 50% off comes out to $1,249.50 with coupon code "SNIFF" which gives you a $250 off making it only $999.50 plus any applicable taxes......

Let me know how it goes and what techniques you learned on acquiring your own card numbers!


Active Carder
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Thank you for your input PraJune1997 so I just tried Authorize actually just came on to getbthe link there now started with $100 cause I don’t trust any of these shops any more and had good success with refunding lol nearly every card was for shit! The ones that were good were okay I guess nothing special…..

Donyou use the chipotle method to check your cards? If you don’t know it works great to test cards and I literally run every card through them first. Basically get the app or use the online site and basically get to the point of adding a payment method. If they accept the card to use as payment the cards good if not then it’s burnt! There are a few exceptions I’ve noticed some Chase credit bins will clear on the site or app and they still are shit, on the second side of that you’ll have cards that are dead. It’ll still accept it on the app Chipotle and you can still use them on the site for a couple of purchases. I haven’t paid for chipotle in years and I eat it once or twice a week not because I like it but because it’s free! It’s a great method to use and it saves as many times.

I’m super disappointed things aren’t like they used to be. I really miss feshop and CVVme but it seems those times are gone, god I remember when $100 would buy 20+ cards all in the 95% validity. Nowadays 20+ cards could cost upwards of $400-500 and validity is gonna be 30% at best.

I encourage and ask for everyone to please post what shops you are using and where you are getting good cards. Please!
As a newbie this right here is why i'm super reluctant to even keep trying. I've already invested the equivalent of what you're saying to basically get nothing but dead cards
Especially when im pinching pennies in hopes I can make even at least one profit off a couple cards

If you have found a replacement shop feel free to PM me


Carding Novice
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1 is a good site, 3 out of 4 cards was live and had a good balance on them


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been on this shit for a long time . 90% of the venerable ways of hacking cc is now known by so many hackers and kids . so even the so called premium shops will sell at 50 50 quality because cards are mostly exposed to a couple of hackers . when you have a good working tut which works 99% then you realize most cc shops should be selling ccs at 1$ to 5$ these days because you will realize even buying at expensive shops because your method is secured gets you no good guarenteed stuff . castro shop is so far a good shop but at that prices i stay with all these $2 and 1$ 5$ card shops with good refundable checker .. at least you make profit compared to what you loose .... yall spread the word and have carders boycott these expensive sellers .


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been on this shit for a long time . 90% of the venerable ways of hacking cc is now known by so many hackers and kids . so even the so called premium shops will sell at 50 50 quality because cards are mostly exposed to a couple of hackers . when you have a good working tut which works 99% then you realize most cc shops should be selling ccs at 1$ to 5$ these days because you will realize even buying at expensive shops because your method is secured gets you no good guarenteed stuff . castro shop is so far a good shop but at that prices i stay with all these $2 and 1$ 5$ card shops with good refundable checker .. at least you make profit compared to what you loose .... yall spread the word and have carders boycott these expensive sellers .
americans are also generally not in a good shape .. you cannot charge $300 on a 30% of all cards in the system .. trust me i know this by analyzing alot of enrolled stuff .
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